Required Mods
Mod Installation

Click here to download all necessary mods and configs.

Click here to download optional mods and resourcepacks.

To install the mods:

1) Make sure you have the latest version of Forge for 1.12.2 installed.

1.1) If you already have mods installed, it's best to create another game directory or clean your Mod and Config folders.

2) Increase Minecraft's maximum RAM to at least 4 GB (6 recommended) (On the default launcher, it's done through the installation editor)

3) Drag the folders from inside the Required Mods zip file directly into your game directory (default for Windows is %AppData%/.minecraft).

4) Enjoy the looong startup ;)

Note: if duplicate mods are installed, use the latest version to avoid conflicts.

The Optional Mods folder has a couple of recommended quality of life mods (Optifine, JEI, Journeymap, WorldEdit) as well as a selection of resourcepacks for small visual enhancements. If you want to use the packs, you will need to use Optifine as well.

Minecraft RAM setting